About Us


Carolyn began serving in ministry in her early 20s, teaching Bible classes and directing a Christian Day Care Center. She later started a Bible/Prayer Group that crossed denominational divides. In 1996, after miraculous physical healing, she moved into a deeper walk with God. Carolyn and her husband Charles served as cell group leaders in  Myrtle Beach, SC, and Virginia. In 2002, Carolyn served as Elder and was on the Board of Directors of Living Water Church in Anderson, SC. She holds degrees from Rhema, Christian International School of Theology, and Covenant College. Charles holds business and theology degrees and recently retired from the business world.

Carolyn and Charles were called to start Eternal Truths Ministries, Inc. in 2004 to train and equip the Body of Christ for their destiny in the Kingdom. They focus on teaching and preaching the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Carolyn walks powerfully in the prophetic and has an anointing in the area of deliverance. Charles’ passion is evangelism, and he has an anointing with words of wisdom. Their passion is to see people free and walking in the fullness of their gifting and calling.



Pam and Bobby are parents of two sons and grandparents of two. Pam is a retired pharmacist, and Bobby is a retired architectural designer. They are founding members of ETM, opening their hearts and home to the ministry. They have been involved in many aspects of the ministry. Pam received a Masters of Theology from Covenant College, which she utilizes in the ministry. Bobby’s heart is for evangelism, while Pam moves in the prophetic with a heart for healing and deliverance. Together they make a great team. 



Originally from New England, Robin spent years teaching both children and adults how to release their innate creativity from within. With a Masters degree in Counseling from Regent University, she has devoted her heart to a ministry of healing and deliverance, helping others release their past and learn who they are in Christ. Robin lives in Anderson, SC, with two beautiful adult daughters and five wonderful grandchildren.


Greg and Heather Lancaster GREG AND HEATHER LANCASTER

Originally from the Nashville, TN, area, Greg studied under some of the finest preachers and teachers from all over the globe. Greg is called to small group ministry with a concentration on discipleship, encouraging men to be strong men of God. Heather grew up learning the Word of God in church, school, and from her family on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. She formed an early love for writing, drama, and music and has a Masters of Theology. Heather is passionate about encouraging others to fulfill their God-given callings and is the author of the Amazon #1 Best Selling series – Make Life Better in Just 30 Days. They are based in Anderson, SC, and run Glory Fire Productions.