The Benefits of Prayer
I am glad to be back. I missed everyone. Lately I have been thinking about the benefits of prayer. I can recall many times I tried to pray, but I thought you had to use big, flowery words to impress God. Or I had to repeat a prayer over and over, then maybe God would hear me if I didn’t sin that day. So if this is you, please no worries.
I have learned over many years that praying is simply talking to God from my heart like I would talk with a friend. At first it may feel strange, but in time the relationship grows and so does our faith in Him. To my delight, no problem or concern is too small or too large. He hears us when we call or sometimes cry out to Him in total despair. I have been there, but now I marvel on how nicely He puts things together for our own good (even when we don’t know it at the time). (Romans 8:28) We become increasingly humble and grateful that the God of the universe loves us so completely. He is just simply there all the time. (Jeremiah 23:23-24)
Prayer also builds inner strength and our faith grows in Him to take care of things. Learning to cast ALL my cares upon Him wasn’t easy. (1 Peter 5:7) After praying and asking Him to take care of a problem, I would sometimes take my problems back. Later on I realized that He knows the best solution for me, because He sees the beginning, the middle and the end. I can only see what is in front of me.
Shifting my focus to seek Him in prayer keeps me in His peace and in sync with His will, His word and His ways. I am learning to focus on His promises, and thank Him even before the answer comes. (Philippians 4:6) Yes you may have guessed it, this is a process. Relax, you will get there!
In this prayer journey, we learn who Jesus is and who we are in Him. He becomes not just our Saviour, which is awesome, but He becomes our everything. He becomes our all-in-all as we yield our will to His. We learn to obey and know He will never let us down whatever we are going through. He is with us and we are in Him forever. (Hebrews 13:5) Exciting isn’t it? I think so.
Staying humble helps us stay in line with His purposes. He knows when it is time to exalt us. He knows what we need, when we need it and how HE will deliver the answers to our prayers. Being grateful and thankful can keep us from fretting or complaining. Yes, I must admit, I used to be very critical and negative. But God! Now, through many trials and faith tests, I am learning to let God do it! Gratefulness allows me to stay in His peace and not living in strife.
So in closing, prayer really changes everything! It is changing my attitude, my trust level, my sense of purpose/destiny in my life, and my willingness to let God be in control! He really WILL work all things out for our good if we let Him. I have to admit, it has taken me a long time to get here. Yes, sometimes we have to wait for an answer, or He says no. The important thing is that in the long run, He knows what is best more than we do.
Remember, our communication can become deeper, wider, brighter and lighter as we yield and submit to Him. He loves us unconditionally no matter where you are in the journey! (1 John 4:16)
So I ask you, why not try prayer sometime? What have you got to lose? You will lose nothing! Instead, you’ll come to know (and I mean really know) that the Creator of the entire universe is lovingly waiting for your call, your voice, and your company as His friend. (1 John 5:14)
Until next time!